Thursday, March 5, 2020

Disadavntages of the Computer As a Tutor

Disadavntages of the Computer As a TutorIn this article I'm going to talk about the disadvantages of the Computer as a Tutor, and some ways you can overcome them. You can use this article as a guide to help you keep your own personal advice.The first thing that you should know is that this is not a prerequisite for becoming a tutor in the first place. The fact is that any type of teaching job will open many doors to you, especially if you have a degree. Teaching in high school, college, or even grad school could be one of the best career opportunities you could ever have.The second thing to realize is that you can only use your own time effectively. If you set yourself up to be the instructor, people won't go anywhere with you. You will not see many students because of this, which means that you will not make much money from it either. You will get very little paid, but this is actually a major disadvantage.Third, you don't get to see your students' success either. Many teachers have been told that they get paid well, and therefore it makes sense to have a lot of students, but in reality this just does not happen because you are not in the room.In fact, the worst thing about being a computer as a tutor is that you really don't get a lot of leverage. Instead of getting great feedback, you get terrible feedback because you are not the teacher anymore.There are also two schools of thought on how you should go about teaching. You can either teach based on different systems that allow for student feedback. This can work, but in my opinion it's a very limited system because you are really teaching yourself.Instead, you can use an approach that utilizes software that uses your results and teaches you a wide variety of things about the student's progress. These software packages are so much more effective, because you are able to see everything you are teaching. This is definitely the way to go, because you will gain a more detailed understanding of what you are doing.

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